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The Day I Disappeared-OUT NOW!

The Day I Disappeared is out now!

I know it might be lame for the first line of this post to be exactly the same as the title, but I'm a little excited.

It is FREE as an eBook through Amazon today and Thursday!

After that, it's gonna stay at the low price of $2.99.

There will be a paperback version available through the same link later this week.

Whether you're taking advantage of the free offer or purchasing the book, thank you for taking the time to check it out. It means a lot that you would read something from a self-published author so thank you! If you happen to like what you read, please leave a review on Amazon; it helps immensely. And if you really like it, maybe even tell a friend about it. Reviews and word-of-mouth are incredibly important for an independent author and any help you may offer would be appreciated more than I can say.

Thank you again and please enjoy the book!

If you have any thoughts/comments/questions, tweet me @markgraywriting or email me at

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