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The Day I Disappeared is OUT THIS TUESDAY!

On Tuesday, I’ll be releasing my fourth novel. The Day I Disappeared is different than anything I’ve ever written before and, I believe, my best work yet. I’m really happy with how it came together and have found myself really enjoying these characters and key scenes in the book.

Here’s the official synopsis:

Barry Evans is a small town hero with an amazing wife, talented son and a promising career. Everything about his life is perfect.

The only problem is that he might not exist.

These memories reside inside the mind of a man that everyone keeps calling Grant Weston. Grant and his wife are separated, he’s disconnected from his daughter and he’s just woken up in a jail cell after being brought in on a drunken disorderly charge. He’s considerably less successful than Barry with a laundry list of problems to contend with.

Grant doesn’t remember any of this because his head is full of nothing but the memories he formed as Barry Evans. As far as he knows, that’s reality--wherever he’s ended up is some kind of cruel joke. Riding home with a woman claiming to be his wife, he’s desperate to find answers no matter how crazy he sounds trying to figure things out.

Her response? “You’re not gonna try to blame aliens again, are you?”

It turns out that Grant has been acting strange long before Barry Evans woke up as him. Sneaking off to meet with strange friends, claiming to be an alien abductee, becoming more detached than usual…

Waking up to such unusual circumstances, Barry’s not sure what to think about anything, including who he really is. Is his mind filled with false memories? Are aliens real and behind this bizarre situation? Can he travel back to his old life or somehow find happiness in this one?

The Day I Disappeared uses an unbelievable scenario to examine universal conflicts related to identity, success, love and family. Whether you’re a big sci-fi fan or not, you’ll find plenty to connect with in this paranoid thriller that will keep you engaged and guessing until the end.

After the release of this book, I’ll continue these weekly blog posts updating you all about progress related to some of my other projects as well as my inspiration as an author. In about a month or so (after some of you have a chance to read the book), I’ll be sure to post a little more in-depth about the motivations and intentions of some of the different elements of The Day I Disappeared. Until then, I want to be a little vague and let it speak for itself and hear your honest thoughts and reactions.

I’ll just say this much. The Day I Disappeared was conceived during a time when I had lost my job and my non-writing career really seemed derailed for almost a year. I was disillusioned, depressed and pretty directionless through a lot of that time and it got me thinking about all of the ways that we define ourselves and what it means when those things are taken away from us. The Day I Disappeared builds upon those questions and goes some places I’m pretty excited about and I believe my strongest, most contemplative work to date came out of what was a pretty terrible time. Which I know makes it sound like it won’t be fun but I think you will find that not to be the case at all.

Oh, one more thing.


The Day I Disappeared will be out this Tuesday, January 31st and for 48 hours, it will be COMPLETELY FREE as an eBook. I can’t make the same offer if you want the purchase the paperback, but if you want to read it as an eBook, you’ll be able to get it for free on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. And I hope that you will! Please take advantage of the free offer, read it, leave a review on Amazon (please!) and if you like it, tell your friends. And make sure you keep visiting this site for more info about upcoming projects from me. It’s going to be a busy year and I’m trying a lot of new things. I hope you’ll check them out beginning with this new novel.

To recap: The Day I Disappeared is out this Tuesday and will be FREE its first two days out. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!

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